Our Story
The Wet Coast Shop came to life based on a desire to share the incredible variety of local artisan creations that are so very prominent on the West Coast. Instead, we soon learned that those behind these incredible offerings are not always as keen on having their products in our store as we are!
Lesson learned, we looked at this differently, and started creating gift packages for specific situations (Christmas, Thank You gifts, Silent Auction Donations, whatever the occasion called for). This allows us to feature some local speciality foods, as well as some of those non edible artisan wonders that we come across here on the Wet, West Coast.
Our favorite story to the day is that of a surprise order - for a product that we meant to have listed as 'Sold Out'. A customer from Ontario, Canada had a Secret Santa gift recipient in our area, and picked something from The Wet Coast Shop. Yep, it was the out of stock product. That was actually the only reason we had this opportunity, because this item wasn't marked as sold out, and we came up in the search results for both desired item and location.
We were dismayed to see that the order charged more for the shipping than it did for the actual product, so we reached out to the customer with an offer to deliver this personally (very close to us) and to add a second item that was within the cost of the shipping fees that were paid.
We had so much fun with that, decorating a festive gift bag and delivering it (during Covid protocols) right to the lucky recipients' porch. That's when we decided to stick with this venture, and keep looking to see what we can do to make more of these memories. It has evolved to become a labour of love, looking for the perfect items around us - or creating some of our own!
We have since begun efforts to create some of our own products, although it is taking some time to get everything lined up to the point where we can create, package and market our own offerings. We have had a few test products that don't turn out the way we envisioned - and it's back to the drawing board. In the meantime, we are still happy to create those great gift packages for any occasion.
Available for special order, for yourself or your loved ones - let us know what you are looking for, we are happy to put together packages specifically designed for your gifting challenges!